This morning I went to the doctor's and got to hear the heartbeat again : ) The baby's heart rate was 149. The old wives tale is that anything over 140 is a girl but as the doctor said that is only right about 50% of the time! So we are going to have to wait to find out. I don't even really have a feeling of what it might be. It's a mystery! I have gained about 4 pounds so far which I think isn't too bad!
I scheduled the ultrasound which is my next appointment for April 16th! In like 5 weeks, which seems so far away. I am 15 weeks now so I will be 20 weeks by the ultrasound. Rick starts working 6am to 2:30 soon so I made the appointment in the afternoon so he can come. He hasn't gotten to hear the heartbeat yet so he is excited he will get to hear it and see the baby on the 16th (hopefully find out the sex too!). We can also bring a recordable DVD and get the ultrasound on DVD which I think is awesome. So of course we will have to show everyone!