We had a great Vacation! Noah was such a good baby : ) We did lots of fun things and relaxed a bit too. Here is a picture of Rick and Noah at Colonial Williamsburg.

Doing some grocery shopping

At Christmas Town at Busch Gardens. This was at the penguin exhibit. We had so much fun at the park. There were lots of Christmas lights and music and even snow! Noah took his first train ride and loved all the lights. The picture below is of Noah watching lights on a big Christmas tree flash to music!

Here is a video of Noah laughing at Grandma. He is so cute : )
Here a picture of Noah and his cousin Riley and Aunt Anna. They watched Abby while we were gone! We are very happy Abby got to hang out with their dogs Jake and Darlah and got lots of love and attention! We picked her up this morning and Abby misses them already!