We have been pretty busy lately. It's hard to believe the Noah will already be a year old next month. His first tooth finally popped through a couple weeks ago and is still barely half out. He has taken a few steps on his own (like 2 or 3) and cruises along the furniture. He also loves to walk with his push toy. The other day I brought the push toy outside when we took Abby out and Noah pushed it all around the grass and walked back inside by himself : ) He pretty much eats anything now. We haven't found anything he won't eat yet! He has also started to dance and it is super cute.
I found out last week that I was accepted into the dental hygiene program at MCC. I had been on the waiting list and someone withdrew. They only accept around 30 students each fall and over 300 people had applied! I met with the director of the program this past week and registered for classes. I start September 7th! I won't be able to work at the daycare anymore and will have to find another part time job. I already have a bunch of classes done so I will technically be a part time student but since its been a few years since I have taken any classes(and I have Noah to chase after) that is ok with me.

We have been swimming a lot lately, especially during the week that was in the 90's.

Noah stacking his blocks! He also is starting to stack his ring toys. He is a smart little boy!

Brushing his tooth

Noah napping on the floor in the AC
Noah reading a book