Happy New Year!We found out on Monday December 29th that I am
PREGNANT(About 5 weeks)! Well I actually found out first and surprised Rick with an early birthday present(his birthday was the next day). I took a pregnancy test hoping, but not really thinking it was going to come out positive and it did! I got a box that had two tests in it so I waited a little bit and then took the other one just in case something was defective with the first one! It came up with the same digital response as the first, Pregnant. I still had my doubts but I packed the two tests into a plastic baggie and placed them into some tissue paper in a very glittery heart shaped bag. Then on the tag I wrote Happy Birthday Baby and placed it aside for Rick when he got home from work. He thought it was the best birthday present. I also got him The Simpsons Movie but he really didn't seem to care about that at all. I explained that even though I did take two tests I still didn't know if maybe something was wrong with the box of tests so we headed to Wegmans to buy just one more(a different brand),and it came out positive too!
We have decided to wait awhile before we tell anyone the news. So I thought I would start this blog and once we make the announcement everyone can read this and catch up : )
Yesterday we were at the mall and picked up some really cool pregnancy books at Borders. I got a book that goes week by week of the pregnancy talking about what the baby looks like( they relate the size to food items so right about now it is the size of a sesame seed), what development is happening and give some pregnancy tips. Rick got a book too and he is actually reading it! It is called Pregnancy sucks for men. It tells guys what to expect and gives them tips on how to deal with their pregnant wife!
Last night for New Years Eve we just hung out at home and actually fell asleep before midnight, only to be woken up shortly after by the base of the music from the crazy party next door! So we watched a couple movies and eventually fell back asleep.
I called the doctor yesterday and made an appointment for January 16th! So I will check back in after the appointment.