Noah loves to wave/blow kisses to everyone. When we go grocery shopping, Noah just loves to get everyone's attention. Of course everyone always thinks he is just so cute! He becoming quite the flirt. He also is very polite and signs please all the time. He continues to dance whenever he hears a song he likes and loves to clap his hands whenever he gets excited.
Noah is officially done nursing! I kind of had mixed feelings about stopping because it was such a big part of our routine for so long but it is working out good for all of us. He loves whole milk and really doesn't even seem to mind not nursing anymore.
School has been going good so far. It is a lot of work but so far so good. On Monday afternoons Noah has a babysitter who comes over for a couple hours. She is college student who lives in another building in our complex. He seems to like her so far. We are lucky Noah really doesn't seem have much stranger anxiety. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons Noah gets to go hang out with his Nonny. I think he is enjoying that as well! Noah is pretty good about letting me get some work done at night. Sometimes he just plays by himself or with Abby. While other times he will do whatever he can to get my attention. His favorite is climbing up onto the ottoman next to the desk and standing up on it(very safe of course). Noah loves Abby he always makes sure she gets a little snack whenever he eats and he chases he around and climbs all over her and Abby just takes it. She is such a good dog. Here is a picture of of Noah and Abby last year around this time : ) Aren't they just adorable?!?!
Here is Noah in the pumpkin patch last year. I love to look back at pictures! He seems to love pumpkins this year. We have already been to the pumpkin farm a couple time and he just walks around and touches all the pumpkins. He has a couple small pumpkins already.
I don't have any very recent pictures because our camera battery died and we haven't gotten a new one yet. I am trying to get the pictures from my phone to upload to blogger but for some reason it stopped working for me.
Here a video from when we went to visit Aunt Meggie. I don't know if its going to work or not. But I tried!
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