Noah Nicholas

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 3, 2009

22 weeks

Abby had to pose for a picture too : )

We are over half way there! Little dude is growing bigger everyday!

We had lots of fun going to an awesome sale at the Dome Arena called the Weepeats sale on Friday! We got a Baby Bjorn baby carrier that looks like new for a great price (they are like $80 new). We also got a few other small things too. My mom went to the sale early when it first opened and braved the crowds and found us a crib! It is brand new still in the box!

Yesterday we went to lots and lots of garage sales! There was a neighborhood near us that had a garage sale day and there were like over 200 houses that had garage sales! We didn't find too much and we only spent $3 but it was really fun!


  1. I love the pic of you and Abby-licious! Your belly looks so cute! Keep up the good work growing Little Dude!!! Cya soon-Riley says ABBY ABBY ABBY when we ask her who is Gina's little black dog? She also says Bay-bee when she sees the toys for Little Dude-very cute!
